Oats whole grain. That high protein and contains essential amino acids.

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Oats whole grain that is high in protein and contains essential amino acids.

They are also rich in vitamins and many beneficial minerals and are also high in fiber.

Researchers in Italy have found that beta-glucan, found in oats. Can help boost the body’s immune system to fight bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.

There is also research that has found that can help lower blood pressure and control cholesterol levels, making oats a grain that can help prevent cardiovascular disease.

Eating foods rich in fiber like can help lower blood sugar levels and improve bowel movements. They also act like little sponges that help absorb cholesterol in the small intestines and flush it out of the body.

However should consume in moderation with other foods from all five food groups and should not add with excessive amounts of sugar, salt or other additives.

These six benefits reveal just how good oats can be for your body. 

Oats can lower your cholesterol

Contain a type of soluble fibre called beta-glucan.

Beta-glucan has shown to โปรโมชั่น ufabet reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein – more commonly known as ‘bad’ cholesterol.

The beta-glucan in oats mixes with water in your gut to create a gelatinous substance, which binds to bad cholesterol before eliminating it from the body during a trip to the loo.

Oats give you longer-lasting energy

Excellent energy source as they contain complex carbohydrates.

The body converts all carbohydrates, both simple and complex, into glucose. Which is then used as energy.

Complex carbohydrates such as oats take longer to digest, as they are made of longer chains of molecules than simple carbohydrates such as white pasta.

Help balance your blood sugar

The beta-glucan slows the rate. Which they converte into glucose by the body. This prevents a sudden raise in blood sugar.

Oats pack with nutrients

Full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

They also contain polyphenols, a plant compound. Which helps prevent cell damage from harmful free radicals.